我是马来西亚在读博士研究生,正在写毕业论文:磁器口古镇建筑遗产符号的文化价值研究,该研究收集了87栋建筑的门窗柱子作为符号研究,包括242扇门,269扇窗,57个柱子,306个檐柱。该研究用回归分析,文献研究法,调查法,请结合以上信息写研究方法的内容,包括1、introduction,2、research design,3、population and sample,4、development of instruments,5、reliability and validity6、data ...


The purpose of this research is to explore the cultural value of the architectural heritage symbols in the ancient town of Ciqikou. The study collected 87 buildings’ door, window, and pillar elements as symbols for analysis, including 242 doors, 269 windows, 57 pillars, and 306 eaves columns. Regression analysis, literature review method, and survey method were used in this research.

Research Design:

This research adopted a mixed-method approach that combined quantitative and qualitative methods. It involved data collection through surveys conducted with residents and visitors to Ciqikou ancient town to understand their perception of the cultural value of these architectural heritage symbols. In addition, regression analysis was carried out to determine whether there is a relationship between certain features of these symbols and their perceived cultural value.

Population and Sample:

The population under investigation was all the people who live or visit Ciqikou ancient town in Chongqing city, China. A stratified sampling technique was used to select participants based on their age group (below 30 years old, between 31-50 years old, above 50 years old), gender (male or female), occupation (students or non-students), income level (low-income or high-income), and residential status (local resident or non-local resident).

Development of Instruments:

Two instruments were developed: a questionnaire for the survey and a coding sheet for content analysis. The questionnaire consisted of both open-ended questions and closed-ended questions that aimed at collecting demographic information about respondents as well as their perceptions about the cultural value of the architectural heritage symbols in Ciqikou ancient town. The coding sheet was developed to record data from photographs taken during fieldwork.

Reliability and Validity:

To ensure reliability and validity, we employed different strategies such as pilot testing the questionnaire with ten participants before administering it to others. We also tested inter-rater agreement by having two independent researchers code photographs independently and then compare the results.

Data Collection Procedures:

The data collection process involved face-to-face interviews with participants using a structured questionnaire. The interviews were conducted at various locations within Ciqikou ancient town, including public squares, temples, and markets. Participants were asked to rate the cultural value of each architectural heritage symbol on a five-point Likert scale.

Data Preparation:

After collecting the data, we entered it into a database for analysis. We then performed data cleaning procedures to eliminate missing values or inconsistent responses.

Data Analysis Tools:

We used regression analysis to identify which features of the architectural heritage symbols in Ciqikou ancient town are most significant in influencing their perceived cultural value. In addition, we used content analysis to analyze qualitative data collected from open-ended questions on the survey questionnaire.

Pre-Test and Pilot-Test:

A pre-test was conducted by administering the survey questionnaire to ten participants before conducting the actual study. This helped us identify any issues with clarity or wording that might affect respondents’ understanding of questions or their ability to provide accurate answers. A pilot-test was also conducted by having two independent researchers code photographs independently and then compare the results.


This research aimed at exploring the cultural value of architectural heritage symbols in Ciqikou ancient town through surveys and regression analysis. The study collected 87 buildings’ door, window, and pillar elements as symbols for analysis, including 242 doors, 269 windows, 57 pillars, and 306 eaves columns. The population under investigation was all people who live or visit Ciqikou ancient town in Chongqing city, China. Data were analyzed using regression analysis and content analysis tools. A pre-test and pilot-test were carried out to ensure reliability and validity.


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