Write an essay according to the requirements: "Implementing the Three Dedication Action and Building a Loving Campus" Campus Promotion Activity of the 2024 Nanchang University Student Volunteer Service Carnival Volunteer service organizations in e...

Implementing the Three Dedication Action and Building a Loving Campus: A Campus Promotion Activity of the 2024 Nanchang University Student Volunteer Service Carnival

In October 2024, Nanchang University will host a campus promotion activity titled “Practice Three Dedications Action, Build a Loving Campus Together.” This initiative aims to foster awareness and participation among students regarding critical issues such as voluntary blood donation, hematopoietic stem cell donation, and human organ donation. By promoting these acts of service, we hope to cultivate a sense of social responsibility among students while instilling the Red Cross spirit of humanity, universal love, and dedication.

Understanding the “Three Dedications”

The “Three Dedications” refer to three vital forms of volunteerism that can make an enormous difference in society—blood donation, stem cell donation, and organ donation. Each type of contribution plays an essential role in saving lives and enhancing community health. However, many students may be unaware of how they can contribute or the impact their actions can have on those in need. Therefore, this campaign seeks not only to inform but also to encourage student involvement in these life-saving measures.

Activity Overview

  1. Activity Timeline: The promotion activities will take place throughout October 2024.

  2. Target Audience: All students at Nanchang University are invited to participate actively.

  3. Core Activities:

    • Human Organ Donation Knowledge Popularization Activity: To effectively spread knowledge about human organ donation, promotional materials such as brochures and presentations will be distributed across various colleges from October 15th to October 17th. Each college is required to organize at least one themed event related to this topic for their students.

    Participants are expected to capture the essence of their events by submitting:

    • A minimum of five photographs illustrating their activities.
    • A short video (minimum 30 seconds) showcasing students collectively voicing our campaign slogan: “Organ donation, life relay; walking with love; born in the sun.”
    • Written reflections from at least three participants sharing their experiences (200 words each).

Colleges must compile all submissions into a compressed file format named accordingly and submit it by 22:00 on October 25th.

  • Theme Essay Competition: To deepen understanding and engagement with the “Three Offerings,” we will hold an essay competition open to all students. Participants can share personal reflections on the significance of these donations or offer suggestions for enhancing campus awareness regarding these initiatives. Essays should be between 1200-1500 words.

Importance of Participation

This promotion activity is more than just an informative exercise; it represents a proactive approach toward nurturing a culture of giving within our university community. The active involvement of each college is crucial not only for raising awareness but also for fostering unity among students around shared values of compassion and altruism.

Colleges are encouraged to embrace leadership roles during this campaign by creating engaging environments where participation is both easy and enjoyable. Promoting knowledge about organ donation aligns with our collective responsibility as members of society—it is vital for enhancing public welfare initiatives while transforming our campus into a supportive community dedicated to helping others.


As we embark on this significant journey towards building a loving campus through the “Practice Three Dedications Action,” we invite every student at Nanchang University to join us in making meaningful contributions that echo far beyond our institution’s walls. Let us work together not only to understand but also actively participate in practices that promote life-saving acts—helping us create not just educated individuals but compassionate citizens who embody the principles reflected in Red Cross values: humanity, universality, dedication.

Through education, active participation, and mutual encouragement in volunteerism focused on blood donation, stem cell registration, and organ donation awareness—we shall lay down foundational stones for fostering an enduring culture that values kindness above all else. As we combine our youthful energy with purpose-driven action during this carnival season at Nanchang University—a brighter future awaits us all!



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