Name THREE different cell types that originate from neuroepithelial cells in the spinal cord. [1 mark] G Using a fully labeled diagram and brief notes, explain the cellular and morphological changes that occur as neuroblasts differentiate into neu...

Three different cell types that originate from neuroepithelial cells in the spinal cord are:

  1. Neurons: These are the main functional units of the nervous system responsible for transmitting electrical signals. Neurons have specialized structures such as dendrites to receive signals and an axon to transmit signals to other neurons or target cells.

  2. Astrocytes: Astrocytes are a type of glial cell that provides structural support to neurons, regulates chemical balance in the brain, and assists in repairing damaged neural tissue. They also play a role in modulating synaptic activity and regulating blood flow in the central nervous system.

  3. Oligodendrocytes: Oligodendrocytes are another type of glial cell that produce myelin sheaths around axons in the central nervous system (CNS). The myelin sheath acts as insulation, allowing for faster conduction of electrical impulses along the axons.

Now, let’s explain the cellular and morphological changes that occur as neuroblasts differentiate into neurons using a labeled diagram:


Neuroblast --> Young Neuron --> Mature Neuron


  1. Neuroblast: Neuroblasts are undifferentiated precursor cells derived from neuroepithelial cells. They undergo several cellular and morphological changes during differentiation.

    • The neuroblast initially has a round or oval-shaped cell body with multiple short processes called neurites.
    • It possesses a prominent nucleus and scant cytoplasm.
    • Neuroblasts migrate along radial glial fibers towards their final destination within the developing spinal cord.
  2. Young Neuron: As neuroblasts differentiate into young neurons, they acquire certain characteristics:

    • The young neuron develops more elongated processes called axons and dendrites.
    • Dendrites receive incoming signals from other neurons via synapses.
    • The axon extends away from the cell body and carries electrical signals, called action potentials, to other neurons or target cells.
    • The nucleus becomes more centrally located within the cell body.
    • Cytoplasmic components involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and release start to develop.
  3. Mature Neuron: As the young neuron continues to mature, it undergoes further changes:

    • Dendrites grow more branches, increasing the neuron’s capacity to receive signals from multiple sources.
    • The axon may become longer and develop myelin sheaths if it is part of the CNS.
    • Synaptic connections form between the mature neuron and other neurons or target cells.
    • Specialized structures such as synapses and vesicles for neurotransmitter release become fully functional.

These cellular and morphological changes during neuroblast differentiation into neurons enable them to perform their vital functions in neural communication within the spinal cord.



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