Throughout history, humanity has been plagued with numerous epidemics, ranging from ancient smallpox outbreaks to modern-day Ebola and COVID-19. As these epidemics become more frequent, the demand for epidemic supplies is increasing, but managing and distributing these materials has proven to be a challenge. To address this issue, people have turned to computer technology and developed an epidemic material management system, which streamlines the process and improves efficiency.
This system is based on a B/S structure, which is user-friendly and provides faster and more convenient services. It consists of three main user categories: administrators, users, and delivery personnel, and offers material management, application, and delivery services. The core process involves users applying for materials, administrators approving the requests, and then assigning delivery tasks to designated personnel. Once the delivery is made, the user approves the delivery, completing the process. By adopting this system, managing and distributing epidemic materials becomes simpler and more efficient.