The study evaluated three new determinate broad bean genotypes, ‘Alargá’, ‘Retaca’, and ‘Verde Bonita’, in six irrigated environments in central Chile to identify the best-yielding genotypes for pod yield (PY) and fresh grain yield (GY). GY was measured along with its components, and the genotype × environment interaction (G×E) was analyzed. The results showed that PY differed among genotypes, with ‘Verde Bonita’ and ‘Retaca’ having the highest PY. There was a G×E interaction for GY, with ‘Retaca’ having its highest yield in Talca on the two planting dates and in Rancagua when planted late (F2). Mean GY of ‘Retaca’ was 3900 kg ha-1 with the highest number of grains per 1 m2 (NG), while the best GY was related to a higher seasonal photothermal quotient ranging from 1.15 to 1.82 MJ m-2 d-1 °C-1. The lowest GY was observed in Talagante on F1. Additionally, genotypes differed in yield composition; ‘Retaca’ had many small pods giving many seeds per unit area, while ‘Verde Bonita’ had large pods yielding fewer grains per unit area. Based on their characteristics, ‘Retaca’ is preferred by the frozen broad bean industry, whereas ‘Verde Bonita’ is preferred by the fresh broad bean market.
Broad bean (Vicia faba L. [unranked] major (Harz) Beck) is usually consumed dry. In Chile, however, broad bean is grown as a vegetable crop with indeterminate genotypes. The new ‘Alargá’, ‘Retaca’ and ‘Verde Bonita’ broad bean genotypes, which h...