扩写下面这段话:(1) Geely's brand culture strategy is comprised of four main steps: precise product positioning, targeted product marketing, enhanced customer satisfaction, and construction of a strong brand system. The brand culture strategy serves as th...

(1) Geely’s brand culture strategy is a comprehensive approach consisting of four main steps. The first step involves precise product positioning, where Geely carefully defines and targets specific market segments with their products. The second step involves targeted product marketing, which focuses on promoting the unique features and benefits of each product to its intended audience. The third step centers around enhancing customer satisfaction through exceptional after-sales service and support. Finally, the fourth step is the construction of a strong brand system that ensures consistent messaging across all marketing channels. This brand culture strategy serves as the foundation for successful brand positioning, allowing Geely to differentiate themselves from competitors and establish a loyal customer base.

(2) Brand positioning is a critical component of Geely’s overall marketing strategy and consists of three key steps. The first step is identifying the target customer, which involves analyzing demographic data and consumer behavior patterns to determine who is most likely to purchase Geely’s products. The second step involves market segmentation, where Geely divides the market into smaller groups based on common characteristics or needs. Finally, Geely markets specifically to these target customer groups using tailored messaging and promotions designed to appeal to their unique preferences.

(3) Multi-brand strategy has become an essential part of Geely’s development plans due to external and internal factors. By analyzing their environment both within the company and in the wider market, Geely recognizes that they must focus on developing mid-level car brands with better brand images to succeed in highly competitive markets.

(4) Marketing strategy plays an integral role in promoting Geely’s products effectively, requiring a detailed understanding of 4P marketing theory. Product marketing strategy encompasses precision marketing (targeted messaging), cultural marketing (promoting Chinese culture), value marketing (emphasizing affordability), and experience marketing (highlighting user experience). Channel marketing covers optimizing dealerships for more effective sales support systems, network marketing using online platforms, and flat networks providing direct sales channels.

(5) Geely’s internationalization strategy centers on building a strong global brand that leverages their core technologies and products. By focusing on optimizing their global marketing channels and creating an international brand presence, Geely can successfully implement its internationalization strategy. This approach ensures that Geely stands out in the crowded automotive industry, attracting customers from all around the world who appreciate high-quality products and exceptional service.


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